Back to registration page SME Progression forDeveloping Management Skills Business Name Learner Name First Last The increased responsibility / new role we have identified following the feedback of the programme is: Nature of the progression New Role New Responsibilities Has the new responsibilities and/or role following the Skills Bootcamp been adopted Yes No Date when the new role / responsibilities were adopted DD slash MM slash YYYY Please provide details of the increased responsibilities or roles if different from above:Please select the option that best describes your employment statusPlease choose one of the following ...In full time employmentIn part-time employmentEmployed - Zero Hour ContractSelf-EmployedIn training/eductionWhat best describes your employment situation compared to before joining the Skills BootcampPlease choose one of the following ...No outcome/No changeContinuing in current employment with new responsibilitiesNew role with current employerNew full or part time employmentBecoming or continuing to be self-employed with new opportunitiesWhat is your main job title? Your typical working hours (per week)Please choose one of the following ...0-16 hours17-24 hours25-30 hours31-39 hours40+ hoursYour anticipated annual income bandPlease choose one of the following ...Less £12,000 per year£12,000 to £16,000 per year£16,000 to £22,000 per year£22,000 to £30,000 per year£30,000 to £40,000 per year£40,000 to £50,000 per yearOver £50,000 per yearSummariesGeneral feedback on the Skills Bootcamp from the employer perspectiveDeclarationsName of person completing review First Last Job Title of person completing review SignatureDate DD slash MM slash YYYY