Back to registration page Self-Employed Progression forDigital Marketing Skills for Business Business Name Learner Name First Last To support in the following questions you may wish to refer to your planned progressions which have been sent to you as an attachment via email with the progression form link. Please provide details about the actual New Opportunities or New Contracts secured as a result of the Skills Bootcamp training programme:Nature of the progression New Opportunities New Contracts being sought Date from which these new opportunities or new contracts were secured DD slash MM slash YYYY From the new opportunities / new contracts identified what do the expect the financial impact to be on your business Which of the following best describes your planned employment status?Please choose one of the following ...In full time employmentIn part-time employmentEmployed - Zero Hour ContractSelf-EmployedIn training/eductionWhat best describes your current employment situation compared to before joining the Skills BootcampPlease choose one of the following ...No outcome/No changeContinuing in current employment with new responsibilitiesNew role with current employerNew full or part time employmentBecoming or continuing to be self-employed with new opportunitiesWhat do you expect your job role/title to be going forward? What are you expecting to be your typical working hours (per week)Please choose one of the following ...0-15 hours per week16-19 hours per week20-29 hours per week30-39 hours per weekOver 40 hours per weekWhat are you expecting your Annual Income to be?Please choose one of the following ...Less than £12,000 per year£12,000 to £16,000 per year£16,000 to £22,000 per year£22,000 to £30,000 per year£30,000 to £40,000 per year£40,000 to £50,000 per yearOver £50,000 per yearSummariesGeneral feedback on the Skills BootcampDeclarationsSignatureDate of Signature DD slash MM slash YYYY