Skills Bootcamps
Skills Bootcamps are able to support individuals who are aged 19 or over and looking to change sectors or to progress in their current industry.
Courses are free of charge for unemployed individuals or those who are self-employed. For individuals employed by small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) who are wishing to further develop their role and responsibilities, the charge to their employer is 10% of the course costs, and 30% for individuals employed by large businesses (250+ staff).
The courses have been informed by local employers who work in those sectors to ensure the core content is aligned to the needs of the business as well as the individuals.).
There are a range of Skills Bootcamps available nationally and locally (
Skills Bootcamps currently on offer through Calderdale College are:
· South Yorkshire (SYMCA):
– Leadership and Management for the Care Sector
· York and North Yorkshire
– Digital Marketing Skills for Business;
– Digital Office Skills for Business
– Developing Management Skills for Early Years, Hospitality and Care sector
The courses are delivered over a period of up to 16 weeks through a potential blend of workshops, classroom-style and online learning or practical on-the-job sessions comprising 60-75 learning hours with additional support, coaching and mentoring provided as needed.
Delivery of the training is through providers who are specialists and have a wealth of experience, ensuring that learners secure the maximum benefit.
Skills Bootcamps are distinctive to their sector and/or nature of content and therefore all will operate differently, with many focusing on upskilling the unemployed and self-employed into areas where there are known vacancies aligned to those skills. Skills Bootcamps that support unemployed individuals will lead the learners to a suitable job interview.
Calderdale College is providing Skills Bootcamps that upskill the current workforce/self-employed and enable individuals to progress in their career, whilst also serving the needs of their employers.
Calderdale College’s Skills Bootcamp training has been designed in consultation with local employers to ensure they provide skills that are relevant to businesses and create opportunities for individuals to progress in their sector with a new role or new responsibilities.
For self-employed individuals, the programme will be integral in their ambition to secure new opportunities and/or contracts.
Employers are central to the Skills Bootcamp model, using the training to develop their people with the necessary skills for their business whilst upskilling their staff for their individual progression within the business. The national Skills Bootcamp programme requires a contribution from employers. For individuals employed by small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) who are wishing to further develop their role and responsibilities, the charge to their employer is 10% of the course costs, and 30% for individuals employed by large businesses (250+ staff).
As an employer you should consider whether your business and your employees would benefit from the training that is on offer within the Skills Bootcamp. If you can identify tangible benefits for the business and have opportunities for your employees to expand their current job role and responsibilities then you and your staff may be in a position to benefit.
You should consider the correct Skills Bootcamp for your needs and one that supports employers in your geographic area.
If the provision covered by Calderdale College appears to be appropriate for your needs, please refer to the specific page containing the Skills Bootcamp you are interested in and use the registration process outlined for that area.
As an employed individual, you should consider whether you and your company would benefit from the training on offer through the Skills Bootcamp and whether your employer has opportunities for you to develop your role. If this is applicable, you should identify the Skills Bootcamp that best suits your needs and covers your locality and discuss this further with your employer, as they will be required to make a financial contribution to the cost of the training.
As a self-employed individual you may have identified a skills need that will enable you to increase the breadth and/or volume of contracts you wish to secure and or new opportunities that you wish to explore. If so, you should explore the range of Skills Bootcamps that are available, that may provide the necessary training and which operate within the region in which you are based or operate.
As an unemployed individual you may have identified in yourself a skills need that if addressed, would enable you to successfully secure employment in your chosen occupational area. If so, you should explore the range of Skills Bootcamps that are available which provide the necessary training that will enable you to successfully secure that job. The Skills Bootcamp will need to be able to support individuals who reside in your locality.